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April 21, 2022

New features

  • New design system: we are now using a new design that will have cleaner & more consistent colors and user interface components. This will be gradually rolled out over the coming months. Today's release includes a noticeable change to button colors.
  • Drill-downs: we have re-designed the drill-down builder page using the new designs, reducing the number of clicks to edit drill-downs, and unifying the interface for company & non-company drill-downs.
  • Drill-downs: users can now add error bars to line & bar charts, by specifying additional upper & lower bound signals. If your main signal returns multiple time series, the upper & lower bound signals should be configured to return time series with identical labels.
  • Point-in-time: Signal Explorer data downloads now respect the specified point-in-time date, if this is selected.

Miscellaneous improvements

  • DSL: we now extend the evaluation period by 1 year in both directions by default in signal.align_to_dates(...). This helps avoid the resulting time series being dependent on the evaluation period, by ensuring that data points can be aligned to dates outside the evaluation period.

  • DSL: when using the graph_signal() function, specifically in cases involving graph traversal (eg from a company to a connected entity), time series results are now always labelled with the display name of the leaf entity. Previously, a less readable label was returned if users selected leaf_entity_as_label=False. Setting leaf_entity_as_label=False has a side-effect of including the leaf entity IDs in the return, necessary when using signals in dashboards, but meant that these dashboard signals were not usable in charts due to the unreadable labels.

    In the near future, we will be looking to deprecate the leaf_entity_as_label parameter on graph_signal(), and make a further change to always include leaf entity IDs in the return. This will mean that users will only need 1 set of signals for both dashboards and charts.

    These changes should only impact you if you are using graph_signal() and specifying a path of relationships for graph traversal, e.g. graph_signal("factset.estimate_sales_quarterly", ["HAS_SECURITY", "HAS_REGIONAL", "factset.HAS_SEGMENT"], leaf_entity_as_label=False)

  • Signal Explorer: updated y-axis label suffix for big numbers (showing B instead of G for billions)

  • Dashboards: popup charts now show values up to 6 months into future, if available - useful for columns that display consensus forecasts

  • Portfolio Strategies: harmonized URL links

  • Portfolio Strategies: allocation exports now exclude ISIN, due to licensing restrictions

Bug fixes

  • Charts: fixed PDF downloads, which were not working due to a change in the highcharts package
  • Charts: fixed chart legends being cropped when copying to clipboard in some edge cases
  • Signal Explorer: fixed edge case where whitespace wrapping caused syntax highlighting to fail
  • Prediction models: fixed previous year tooltip in model prediction page
  • Alpha tests: fixed bug where URL was not resetting after replicating an alpha test
  • Library: fixed keyboard shortcuts triggering incorrectly when editing signals, tags and models