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November 10, 2022

New features

  • Import jobs: Added support to import data from Google BigQuery.

Miscellaneous improvements

  • Signal Explorer: Added a "New chart" action to reset to blank state and a new share link action to share plotted signals and entities. (It does not share chart settings)
  • Starred items: Starred prediction models and portfolio strategies now appear in the navigation menus.
  • Library picker: Starred items are now easily available in the picker.
  • Import jobs: Allow to set to/from entity type in relationship stage configuration and entity type in the time series stage configuration instead of providing this information as part of the column headers. This change is backwards-compatible and does not require update to existing stages.
  • Import jobs: Improved logging by reducing unnecessary log statements.
  • Import jobs: Added support for loading time series on the global entity by specifying entity type 'global'.