February 22, 2024
New features
- KPI Analyzer: We have added a chart to show the probability distribution for consensus and predictions.
- KPI Analyzer: Forecasted data series are now linked with actual data series in charts, and show up only once in the legend.
- KPI Analyzer: Simplified chart legends by hiding the company name.
- KPI Mapper: It is now possible to select a set of company-specific mappings and delete them in bulk.
- KPI Mapper: Company-specific mappings that are read-only (e.g. those from vendors) can be inspected.
- Data Explorer: Show only entity types that are owned by the company, in the company-centric Data Explorer.
- Company search: Reduced flashing / jumping while searching.
Bug fixes
- Drill-downs: Fixed an issue where the chart legend would show the resource name (rather than display name) of companies or entities, when adding a company or entity for comparison.
- Prediction models: Fixed UI display bugs when opening models built in the KPI Analyzer.