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March 21, 2024

New features

  • Dashboards: We have made a new and simpler way to create and configure tables. It is now also possible to customize the number formatting (decimal places, units, suffixes) and tooltips of columns in the table.
  • KPI Analyzer: New estimated error and hit rate metrics are now available for each Auto & custom model, based on point-in-time backtesting. The previous error and hit rate metrics are still available but referred to as the "final" error and hit rate, as they are based on having all data available for each historical period.


  • KPI Analyzer: In the models view, for each Auto & custom model, it is now possible to see details such as the user who created the model, when it was created, and when the predictions were last run.
  • KPI Analyzer: It is now possible to request a re-run of the Auto model. This may be useful to refresh the historical backtest error & hit rates, if many additional KPI mappings have been made. However, re-running the Auto model will reset the point-in-time model revision history; this is as if the Auto model was deleted and run from scratch.
  • KPI Analyzer: It is now possible to view consensus revisions for FactSet KPI estimates.
  • KPI Analyzer: Various small UI improvements.
  • KPI Mapper: The default resampling method is changed to sum.
  • Entities: When clicking on an entity in the app, we now display its entity type alongside its name.

Bug fixes

  • KPI picker: Fixed an issue where some KPIs were shown with duplicate entries.