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August 1, 2024

New features

  • KPI Mapper: It is now possible to open KPI mapping collections and view results from non-subscribed vendors who have consented to make their results accessible to buy-side users.


  • KPI Analyzer
    • In the Mappings view, mappings are now sorted by default on model error (from backtests), putting the best mappings on top.
    • When QoQ/HoH/YoY is selected, the Predictions chart now shows QoQ/HoH/YoY changes in the actual KPI, consensus, and model predictions.
    • Multi-company view: simplify interface by removing the report date filter, which was not used often.
    • Consensus revision line now extends to the current date.
    • In the Models view, consensus is now auto-selected.
  • Alerts: Updated design for the alert manager, showing the shared and vendor alerts in separate sections. Also updated design for the alert feed.
  • Alerts: Added a sharing button next to each alert in the alert manager, allowing for easier sharing of alerts.

Bug fixes

  • KPI Analyzer: Fix edge case bug when specifying weights caused the user interface to incorrectly prevent running models.
  • KPI Analyzer: Fix issue where Reader users did not see results from shared KPI models.